Maddy’s Photos from the 2008 ISC II Tournament of Champions

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Note from ISC II Commissioner Blair Setford, at our ISC II blog, “The Deuce”.

If you were at the 2008 ISC II Tournament of Champions, you doubtless saw Maddy Flanagan and her camera. Maddy does an absolutely phenomenal job taking photos and we were lucky to have her as the official ISC II photographer this year.

Having taken thousands of photos in just four days, Maddy has been busy combing through the raw photography to find the best of the best. They are now posted at her remodeled web site Maddy’s Photos.

For a direct link to the ISC II gallery, click here, or the camera above..

As always, if you have a photo i.d. that you can provide, please send it to us.


Editor’s notes: The new site permits players and fans to purchase any photo they wish online, in automated, shopping cart fashion. Hope this streamlines the process of getting the photos you want. As you can imagine, it was difficult for Maddy to keep up with the volume of email requests. Watch for uploaded galleries from past tournaments, which we will also announce here at the Morning Brief.

For those of you unaccustomed to seeing Maddy’s Photos for sale, she was hired as the “official photographer” for the ISC II this year, after the first fellow opted out. She was not paid for her services, but invited to post and sell the photos in the same fashion as the other photographers at the tournaments who have done so in the past. She has tried to scale the prices down a bit from what others have. I am obviously biased, but I happen to think the quality of hers is much higher than some other tournament photographers. Given the cost of equipment, including rentals, not to mention travel costs, it’s not a money making proposition. (That big lens she lugged around this year was $365 to rent for the tournament). And you don’t want to know about the other gear. She is out there taking photos because she loves the game and the people involved in it, which I think shows in the photos you see. Anyway, hope you understand, and maybe order a photo or two.

About the only thing that the new site does not do is handle volume discounting. If you are a manager and wish to a quantity (e.g. 10 or more) photos for the guys, use the “Contact Us” link at the site to write to Maddy about quantity discounts.

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