Molly Sherman Memorial Tournament – Elkland PA

From the PA Fastpitch blogspot:

Here is the schedule for the 3rd annual Molly Sherman Memorial in Elkland Pa on Saturday May 23 2009.

Pool A

ESA Thunderbellys
Beverage Barn
Hoffmans Rise

Pool B

NY Bombers
Busters Fastpitch
Ormrod Fastpitch


900 ESA Bellys v Beverage Barn
1045 ESA Bellys v Knoxville/Ontario
12:30Beverage Barn v Hoffmans Rise
215 Beverage Barn v Knoxville/Ontario
400 ESA Bellys v Hoffmans Rise
545 Busters v Ormrod
715 Knovville/Ontario v Hoffmans Rise


10:45 NY Bombers v Busters
12:30 Ricola v Ormrod
2:15 Ricola v Busters
4:00 NY Bombers v Ormrod
5:45 Ricola v NY Bombers

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