Vancouver Grey Sox Sign Rob Giesbrecht for Canadian Nationals

Vancouver, BC-

The Vancouver Grey Sox are pleased to announce that OF/IF Rob Giesbrecht will be joining us for the Canadian National Championship in St. Thomas, Ontario, August 28-Sept 4, 2005.

Giesbrecht hails from Landmark, Manitoba, but that Province is apparently not sending a representative to the Nationals, so we have added Rob as one of three allowed out-of-province residents on the roster. The balance of the Grey Sox lineup will consist of BC residents.

Rob has been a starting OF the last 3 years with Broken Bow, and was a member of the Canadian National Team that struck Gold at the Pan American Games in 2003. Giesbrecht is widely regarded as an exceptional all-around player, with great speed, a strong arm, and the ability to hit for average and power from the left side. Giesbrecht says he has not yet won a Canadian Championship and is excited to have the opportunity to pursue that goal with the Grey Sox. Vancouver’s Field Manager John Stuart say he is very happy to add Giesbrecht to the club, as the Nationals are known to be a marathon, and a versatile player with Rob’s proven top-flight abilities will provide many extra lineup options for the skipper.

Conrad Margolis,
Vancouver Grey Sox

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