Olympics 2016: where now for sports discarded by IOC?

Editor’s note: Will men’s softball ever get into the Olympics? With the IOC recommending golf and rugby, it seems that day is now further away than ever.

Soft touch: the 2016 Olympics will not be graced by softball after it failed to gain recommendation for inclusion Photo: REUTERS

Daily Telegraph

Golf and rugby sevens have been recommended for inclusion in the 2016 Olympics by the IOC. But where does this leave the other five sports that missed out?

By Rod Gilmour
Published: 3:30PM BST 13 Aug 2009
Olympics 2016: as rugby sevens and golf recommended what will become of those that missed the cut?


Will not be fazed by missing out on $10 million boost that comes with inclusion in the summer Games and still has a significant global audience.

However, it has suffered from Major League Baseball’s doping scandals and an inability to persuade top players to participate in the Games. A shortened eight-team tournament for 2016 was credible but at present there are just too few competitive nations.


It may be the most popular of the martial arts but poor lobbying looks to have accounted for a sport that claims to have 100 million competitors. The Olympics already has judo and taekwondo and it may take another competitor to kick a referee in the face – as happened in Beijing – before the latter is axed and karate gets its chance again.

Along with squash, karate narrowly missed out on IOC’s controversial two-thirds majority vote in 2005. Administrators will now have to work hard on differentiating the sport from judo and taekwondo.

Roller Sports

Given the IOC’s stance on attracting youth to the Games, this was an outside chance for 2016. The sport’s green credentials also held the bid in good stead while the proposed speed skating road race required no special venue.

But is this what the IOC wanted rather than skateboarding or rink hockey, which appeared as a demonstration sport at the Barcelona Games? It’s back to the drawing board.


If medals were handed out today, it is likely that Egypt and Malaysia would pick up gold, fitting the IOC requirement of under-developed countries winning medals. Supporters say that this would be the pinnacle of the sport, but the truth is squash doesn’t yet fit the IOC’s agenda of global TV domination, mainly due to the problem of following the ball on a screen. The advent of high-definition TV should change this.

Both men and women’s world tours are also in good health and administrators are slowly finding appeal from sponsors attracted to the drop-in glass courts and potential with venues. But how the sport will cope by narrowly missing out on 2008 and now 2016 after a fervent few years of lobbying remains to be seen.


Looked to have made a late bid to sneak in through the back door after being dropped for the 2012 Games in London. Has links to baseball but unlike its big brother is drug free and its inventive global development programmes could see it make more of an impact for a 2020 bid.

The International Softball Federation recently announced a $100,000 grant for the sport in Africa with new equipment and programmes. Softball is, at least, making the right noises with the US still dominant in the game.

The IOC Congress takes place in Copenhagen on Oct 2 when the committee will decide on whether golf and/or rugby sevens should be approved for 2016. The host city for those Games will also be announced at the quadrennial vote.

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