Tech Tips for Fastballers

As you may have noticed, we have added a couple of “tech” sections to the Fastpitchwest Forum, one for players and fans and another for fastball webmasters.

For the unaquainted, the “Fastpitch Forum” is an bulletin board for the fastpitch community, where players and fans alike can post announcements, notes, comments, or carry on discussions with others about the game of fastpitch/fastball. The Fastpitchwest Forum is divided into a number of sections, including “regional” discussion boards and more. You will find a handy “quick link” to the Forum at the bottom of each and every page at Fastpitchwest.

Tech Tips for Players and Fans

The first new “tech” forum section is geared for players and fans. It’s a place to share tips on how to keep your computers running smoothly, or perhaps about the plethora of great software or applications that are available, including everyone’s favorite: FREE SOFTWARE. The first posts in this section for players and fans cover such topics as free anti-virus software and personal firewall software, as well as alternative browsers and email clients which are growing in popularity.

Tech Tips for Fastball Webmasters

Besides our own website, Fastpitchwest hosts a number of other sites, including some fastball sites. We thought the “fastball webmasters” section would give them a place to share the tricks of their trade, troubleshoot problems, and create an online resource. It’s for the folks that create the websites you love to visit. People like Blair Setford ( and its forum), Tom Vogel, (Rise Fastpitch and the Pennsylvania Forum), Brett Bresnahan (NAFA), Lukas Kamps (Tri-County Fastball Forum), Cesar Rodriguez (So Cal Bombers), and those of you just getting started with sites or the like. The list of fastball webmasters is growing all the time, giving fastball players and fans, more interesting sites to visit.

We hope you enjoy the new forum sections, and find them helpful. Feel free “post up” in either — or any other section at the Fastpitchwest Forum. It’s there for YOU.

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