A Message from Roberta Thompson….and chance to remember Dewey…

We pass along a message from Roberta Thompson regarding a very worthy cause:

Dwight’s HeartLights…step off in just 60 days!!!

For those I love, I will be walking in this year’s Heart Walk. I have set a personal goal to raise funds for the American Heart Association and need your help to reach my donation goal. We are raising critical dollars for heart disease and stroke research and education.

You can help me reach my goal by making a donation online. Click on the link below and you will be taken to my personal donation page where you can make a secure online credit card donation. The American Heart Association’s online fundraising website has a minimum donation amount of $25.00. If you prefer to donate less, you can do so by sending a check directly to me.

If you are able to join us on the walk, please let me know if you would like to purchase a team t-shirt. (They will be different from the ones we wore last year) If so, I will need your sizes & money for the shirt, prior to placing the order. The order needs to be placed no later than August 29th. I will try to keep the cost of the shirt around $20.00 per person.

If you are unable to join the team as a walker, please consider a monetary donation. No amount is to small, but the reward & the gratitude of your gift is tremendous. Your donation will help fight our nation’s No. 1 and No. 3 killers—heart disease and stroke. You are making a difference.

I will be sending out regular reminder emails throughout the next two months. Thank you once again for your generous support

Follow This Link to visit my personal web page and help me in my efforts to support AHA – WSA Orange County, CA.

If you would prefer to make a donation to the “team”, when on my personal donation page, click on “My Team Page”, once there click on “General Team Donation.”

If you have any further questions, you can email me at:
roberta [at]fastpitchwest.com

Roberta Thompson

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