Umpire Bob Henning on the Mend

Some of our readers have no doubt already heard, but for those who have not, our friend Bob Henning is on the mend,after spending four days in the hospital, getting his ankle fixed. Bob slipped on some snowy and icy stairs and jammed his leg into the concrete. Not pretty, but we can now call him “Bionic Bob”.

Bob tells us:

Now the proud owner of a totally rebuilt ankle that is unhappy with me for smashing it. Going to be a long road to recovery.

It doesn’t look like we’ll see him umpiring in the near future, but if we can get a lazy boy recliner into the booth, perhaps we can get him back on Ballparkradio. (Bob is a former FM DJ at 94.7 KMET, and has served as a color commentator on Ballparkradio, including a guest appearance at the 2009 Monkton tournament)

We wish Bob a speedy recovery.

Well-wishers can send an email to Bob directly at brotherinblue (at), or find him on Facebook here.

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