Kris Waverick to the DL

Catcher Kris Waverick of Vancouver, B.C. is on the D.L. with a broken wrist. Kris suffered the injury in the semi-final of the Kelowna tournament over Memorial Weekend, on a play at the plate. His wrist was fractured in two places, and will require surgery next Monday, and a new cast. (He’s had one on for two weeks, but will be re-cast after surgery)

Prognosis: He’ll be sidelined for six weeks, and then hopes he can be ready to join the Portland team at the ISC World Tournament in August.

“[It was a] clean slide”, he is quick to add. “It’s disappointing, as it’s the first time in my career i have missed more than a game because of injury i couldn’t play through.”

We wish him a speedy recovery.

Any other DL reports? Send to jim (at) fastpitchwest (dot) com.

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