Napanee Qualifier Saturday

Toronto Gators 8
Curve Lake Renegades 1
– 6 innings
WP: Kyle Linton 6 innings 1 run, unearned, 8Ks 3BB 2HBP
LP: Steven McNaughton 4 1/3 IP 7 runs, 6 earned, 8 hits, 2Ks 3BB; relief Riley Capalba 1 1/3 innings 1 run, earned, 2 hits 1 BB
B1 Gators Les Bernstein 1b, Darren Newson RBI 2b scores Bernstein; Mike Smulevitch RBI 1b scores Newson
T2 Renegades Steven McNaughton BB eventually scores on wild pitch
B5 Gators Berstein reaches on error, Newson 2-run HR, Mark Korten BB eventually scores on wild pitch, Smulevitch 1b, Tom Watkinson BB; Riley Capala in to pitch for Renegades; Ray Carr RBI 1b scores Smulevitch, Edi Fisher pinch runs for Watkinson scores on wild pitch
B6 Gators Blair Setford BB, Rob Greatrix re-enters to run, advances to second on wild pitch, Korten RBI 1b to score Greatrix

The rest of Saturday’s schedule of games:

Saturday 11 am
Game 4
St. Thomas Storm 4
North Fred Kings 3

WP Ian Knott 5 innings 2 runs, both earned 5 hits 1K 2BB
Save Luke Leahy 2 innings 1 run, earned, 3 hits 2Ks 1BB
LP Craig Hollingsworth 2/3 inning 4 runs 3 earned 3 hits 1BB, Bryan Brook 6 1/3 3 hits 9Ks
T1 Storm Scott Wasson walked, stole second, Justin Taylor RBI 2b, Cody Skelton 1b, Kyle Mitchell 2 RBI 2b; Bryan Brooks into pitch, Mitchell scores on a wild pitch
B2 Kings Pat Severin HR
B5 Kings Chris Switzer walks, Cory Brooks RBI 2b;
B6 Storm Luke Leahy into pitch, Kings Mike Finn HR
B7 Kings leave the based loaded

Donnacona Blue Sox 16
Cree Nation Bears 4
– 4 innings
WP: Luc Thibault 4 innings 4 runs, all earned 6 hits 3Ks
LP: Ray Shanoush 3 innings 11 runs, all earned, 12 hits, 2Ks 3BB; relief Marvin Cheezo 5 runs, all earned 2 hits 3 BB
B1 Blue Sox Mathieu Roy walked, Jonathan Darveau 1b Cory Morrison RBI 1b to score Roy, Darveau scores on a wild pitch, Steve Savard RBI 1b to score Morrison
T2 Bears Mike Gilpin 1b Stephane Shanoush RBI 1b
B2 Blue Sox Mathieu Lessard 2b advance to 3rd on wild pitch, Frederic St. Pierre RBI ground out
T3 Bears Greg Mark-Stewart 1b, Brent Blackned 2-run HR; Ray Shanoush HR
B3 Steve Savard BB, sac’ed to 2nd, Phillippe Pare RBI 1b, Mathieu Lessard 2-RBI 2b scores on wild pitches; Mathieu Roy HR; Jonathan Darveau BB Cory Morrison RBI 3b; Savard RBI 1b Luc Thibault 2b
B4 Miguel Mottard 1b, Mathieu Lessard BB Frederic St. Pierre BB Mathieu Roy BB RBI; Jonathan Darveau Grand Slam HR 4 RBI

Saturday 1 pm
Napanee Junior Express 8
Curve Lake Renegade 0
WP Dylan Cunningham – PERFECT GAME
– 5 innings 7Ks
LP K. Capulbo 5 innings 8 runs 2 earned, 8 hits 5Ks 3BB
T3 Express Craig McGarvey 2b, Chris Brown RBI 1b, sac’ed to 2nd, Ian Wallwork reached on error, Brown scored; Jackson Ryan RBI 2b to score Brown, Jordan Hulton BB, Ryan and Hulton score via wild pitches
T5 Express Ryan 1b, Hulton reaches on error Kyle Lloyd reaches on a fielders choice Ryan scores, Luke McDonald RBI 1b scores Hulton; Craig McGarvey RBI 1b scores Lloyd

Toronto Gators 3
Cobourg Force 1

WP Tom Berube 7 innings 1 run, earned, 3 hits 3Ks 1BB 1HBP
LP Wayne Wells 3 2/3 innings 3 runs all earned 7 hits 4Ks 1HBP, relief Jeff Murphy 2 1/3 innings 2 hits 7Ks 1BB
B1 Gators Rob Greatrix 1b Les Bernstein reaches on fielders choice Darrin Newson RBI 1b
B4 Gators Newson 1b Tom Watkinson HBP Ray Carr RBI 1b to score Newson; Ryan Freedman RBI 1b scores Edi Fisher pinch running for Watkinson
T6 Force Dave Brownhill 2b, Anthony Palmieri RBI 2b

Saturday 3 pm
Donnacona Blue Sox 7
St. Thomas Storm 1

WP: Francis Leclair 7 innings 1 run, earned, 2 hits, 6 Ks 4BB
LP: Luke Leahy 7 innings 7 runds all earned 11 hits 6Ks 3BB 1HBP
T1 Blue Sox Mathieu Roy HBP, Cory Morrison 1b, Roy scores wild pitch
T2 Blue Sox Jean Daniel Doucet 1b, Philippe Pare 1b, Cary Alkerton RBI single scores Doucet, Pare scores on wild pitch
B4 Storm Cody Skelton BB advance to 3rd on passed balls, Matt Swift SAC fly RBI
T5 Blue Sox Cory Morrison 3b, Francis Leclair RBI 1b scores Morrison, Doucet 1b, Pare RBI 1b scores Leclair, Roy 2-RBI 2b scores Doucet, Pare

Saturday 5 pm
Toronto Gators 5
Napanee Jr Express 3

WP Kyle Linton 7 innings 3 runs 2 earned 7 hits 10Ks 3BBs
LP Ian Wallwork 6 innings 5 runs 3 earned 7 hits 6 Ks 3BBs
T1 Express Chris Brown BB, sac’ed to 2nd, Ian Wallwork RBI 1b
B1 Gators Darrin Newson 1b Tom Berube reached on error, each advanced on passed ball, Mark Korten 2-RBI 1b
T2 Express Brent Mills 1b advance to 2nd on error Cal McGarvey RBI 1b
B3 Gators Darrin Newson HR, Ray Carr, BB advance to 2nd on wild pitch, Ryan Freedman RBI 1b
T5 Express Cal McGarvey 1b, Wallwork 1b Dylan Cunningham RBI 1b
B6 Gators Joel Grossman reaches on FC, Mike Smulevitch RBI 2b

Cobourg Force 7
Curve Lake 0

WP Jason Smith 4 innings 1 hit H 9Ks, Scott Evans 2 innings 1 hit 4Ks
LP Steven McNaughton 4 innings 5 runs, 3 earned 8 hits 1K 1BB, Riley Capelbo 2 innings 2 runs 1 earned 2 hits 1K 1BB
B1 Force Dave Brownhill 2b, Craig Buttar 2-run HR
B2 Force Brian Maguire 1b Terry Eaton 1b, Dave Brown hill RBI FC
B3 Force Jodie Schnarr 1b, Scott Leblanc 1b, Scott Evans RBI 2-RBI 2b
B5 Capelbo to pitch for Curve Lake; Force Schnarr reached on error, advanced and scored on a wild pitch
B6 Force Terry Eaton 2b, Anthony Palmeri RBI 1b

Saturday 7 pm
St. Thomas Storm 8
Cree Nation Bears 0
WP Ian Knott 4 innings 1 hit 7Ks, Luke Leahy 1 inning 2Ks
LP Ray Shanoush 4 innings 8$uns 5 earned 10 hits 3Ks 2BB, Mervini Cheezo 1 inning
T1 Storm Scott Wasson 2b, advanced to 3rd on passed ball, Aaron Gould RBI ground out
T3 Storm Jerret Taylor 1b, Scott Wasson RBI 3b, Aaron Gould RBI ground out
T5 Storm Jerret Taylor 1b, stolen base, Scott Wasson RBI 3b, Aaron Gould BB, Cody Skelton 2-RBI 2b, Rich Taylor RBI 2b, Kyle Mitchell reached on an error, scored on RBI 1b by Cody Campbell

Donnacona Blue Sox 3
North Fred Kings 1
WP Cory Alkerton 7 innings 1 run, earned, 5 hits 10Ks 3BB 1HBP
LP Bryan Brooks 3 innings 3 runs all earned 3 hits 2Ks 1BB in relief of Jordan McDonald 4 innings 1 hit 4Ks 4BB
T5 Blue Sox Mathieu Lessard BB Philippe Pare 1b Cory Morrison 2-RBI 2b Steve Savard RBI 1b
B6 Lyle Brown 1b Bryan Brooks RBI 2b

Pool A
1. Toronto Gators 3-0
2. Cobourg Force 2-1
3. Napanee Express 1-2
4. Curve Lake Renegades 0-3

Pool B Standings
1. Donnacona 3-0
2. St. Thomas 2-1
3. North Fred 1-2
4. Cree Nation 0-3

Sunday Schedule
9 am
P1 D1 A1 Toronto vs B1 Donnacona
P2 D2 A2 Cobourg vs B2 St. Thomas

11 am
D1 P3 Winner P2 vs Loser P1

1 pm
D1 Winner P1 vs Winner P3

Champion gets a paid berth + travel money for 2010 ISC World Tournament.
Finalist gets a berth for 2010 ISC World Tournament.

Saturday 7 pm
St. Thomas vs Cree Nation D1

Saturday 7 pm
Donnacona vs North Fred D2

Sunday Schedule
9 am
P1 D1 A1 Toronto vs B1 Donnacona
P2 D2 A2 Cobourg vs B2 St. Thomas
11 am
D1 P3 Winner P2 vs Loser P1
1 pm
D1 Winner P1 vs Winner P3

Champion gets a paid berth + travel money for 2010 ISC World Tournament.
Finalist gets a berth for 2010 ISC World Tournament.

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