Players Weigh in on ISC Broadcast Schedule

There’s an interesting discussion going on over at the (Golden Horshoe Fastball League) website, about the recently released ISC Broadcast Schedule. A player from one of the 30 teams not on the schedule weighs in:

Taking a look at the broadcast schedule, it only involves the power pools. Speaking as a player involved in the tournament, a player rep, and on behalf of others, there are another 30 teams in the tournament. These other 30 teams will be leaving every thing on the field in the upcoming week. Why do the remaining 75% of the ISC fastball community have to be forgotten again.

Another argues that the fans want to hear the big name teams and players:

Name recognition…..Lets face it boys, people know the big names and they are going to get the airtime. There are going to be lots of great games all week but if you need make a schedule in advance, what direction are you going to pick…All of the games in the playoff round will be broadcast. Qualify for that and you’ll get your airtime.

Some good points being made on both sides of the issue. To read more, click here, and enter your own comment if you wish.

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