Team Rainey vs. Kitchener Hallman Twins on Ballparkradio Monday 10pmCST/8pm PST

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Though not on the main broadcast schedule, Ballparkradio is working on special arrangements to carry the Team Rainey vs. Kitchener Hallman Twins game at 10pm CST/8pm PST live on

We’ll post further notes here at the Morning Brief, and at Ballparkradio today (Sunday), but as of today, the prospects of the game being on the air are very good. Stay tuned — literally.

A “click to listen” link will be displayed prominently on the main page at Ballparkradio, to make it easy for our listeners.
Jim Flanagan will broadcast, and hopefully be joined in progress by ISC II Commissioner Blair Setford, arriving from an earlier broadcast at Chippewa Falls where the two are both members of the ISC II Broadcast crew, broadcasting the ISC II Tournament of Champions all week long. Jim is from So Cal, and is familiar with Team Rainey, while Blair is from the Ontario province near Kitchener, and is familiar with the Hallman Twins, so the broadcast figures to be a lot of fun.

Special thanks to the ISC and the ISC Broadcast crew, for making this broadcast possible, with special tip of the cap to Scott Meyer at Clearwire Broadband and Rick Harder at Imagineering, our computer gurus here in Wisconsin for their work to make it happen.

Clearwire is the next generation of broadband, providing “WiMax” coverage for the entire complex at the ISC II Tournament at Chippewa Falls. The complex is covered by a virtual “umbrellla” of wireless internet, providing a hi-speed internet connection not only for the ISC II broadcast crew, but also for the general public. Anyone with a laptop and wireless card can simply turn on their computer and login to the internet. The signal also blankets most of Eau Claire, including the fields where the ISC World Tournament is taking place. Whereas many of us have “wifi”, that reaches all over our house, the range is measured in feet. The range of WiMax, on the other hand, is measured in miles. Very impressive, I think, and some new technology that will make broadcasting fastball games easier in the future, as the technology becomes more widespread.

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