ISC Limits Number of All-World Players Per Team

I.S.C. Board of Directors Passes the PRAWN Restrictions – –
To Take Effect With the 2006 Season

The Board of Directors of the International Softball Congress has passed the PRAWN restrictions, a set of rules governing the number of All-World players from the most recent five years a team can have on its roster.

This rule, introduced to the Board in August at their meetings in Eau Claire, Wisconsin, was tabled for further discussion and an e-mail vote at that time.

The PRAWN restrictions will take effect beginning with the 2006 fastball season.

Those players who comprise the PRAWN list have now been determined. These names will be made available to the teams immediately, and they are posted on the ISC website at

An excel attachment of the list will be sent to any who request it by e-mailing

PRAWN Restrictions

A PRAWN (Player Rep All World Name) list will be maintained by the ISC containing each name of the two all-world teams for the most recent 5 years, including MV Player and Outstanding Pitcher. The PRAWN list will be released on Al’s list by August 30 each year and posted on the ISC web site as soon as possible.

Each team will be limited to 6 players (combination of pitchers and position players), plus exceptions (see below) that have been named All World in the last 5 years – only one of which may be a pitcher. Teams are still limited to 2 OOA pitchers for the season. All teams must name their PRAWNs to the Executive Director by May 1 each year. If a player who is also a pitcher is selected to either one of the All World teams at a position other than pitcher, he will NOT be considered as a pitcher for PRAWN status but rather as a player.

Current hardship rule 9a will be allowed given the following: the team replacing the player is still required to abide by the PRAWN limits for both players and pitchers. E.g. if the player being replaced is a pitcher with PRAWN status and he was the only pitcher with PRAWN status on the team then that team may replace that pitcher with another PRAWN pitcher.

Exception for a team that has 6 current PRAWNs: If a non-PRAWN player or players make an All World team in the current year, that team will be allowed to carry that player or players until such time that a PRAWN player leaves the team or drops out of the 5 year criterion. If a player makes All World while with Team A and they have 6 current PRAWN players, then Team A would be allowed to carry 7 until one of the 7 leaves the team (or they fall outside of the 5 year boundary), then they will only be allowed 6 for the following year.

This also applies for the one pitcher All World status restriction. If a pitcher is selected to an All World team in the current season and that team already has a pitcher on their team with PRAWN status, that team will be allowed to carry 2 (or however many) prawn pitchers until such time as one of the prawn pitcher(s) leaves the team or falls outside of the PRAWN status.

Phase in Period – If a PRAWN was selected all world in the last 5 years with a team and remained with that team, the team may qualify for the above exception as if the PRAWN restrictions were in effect for those 5 years. 2006 only – Teams can play the 2006 season with 2 PRAWN Pitchers if both PRAWN pitchers were on that team’s WT roster in 2005.

PRAWN Restriction Interpretation

No team may add a PRAWN to their roster until their total Prawn count falls below 6

September 15, 2005
Gordon Wise
ISC Information Officer

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