California ASA Region 14 Pitcher Bump-ups Pending

The same October 1, 2005 Meeting Minutes for California ASA (Region 14) note pending “bump-ups” for pitchers, not yet identified officially.

The committee then discussed the need to move pitchers up to the “B” list from the teams that are being moved up in classification from “C” to “B”. However not enough information nor time was available to get into specifics. John Gouveia will send to each committee member via e-mail, a player list from each of the teams that are being moved from “C” to “B”. The committee members will review the list and make recommendations on the pitchers they think should be reclassified from “C” to “B”. Robert Hernandez has already made a determination on the majority of pitchers he wants moved up and will finalize his decisions within the week and provide that information to John Gouveia.

C. Player List: Robert Hernandez will update the player list based on the committees decisions on teams and pitcher moves in classification, and on team and pitcher drops from the current list.

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