Updated Quicklinks at Fastpitchwest

We have updated our “Quicklinks” at Fastpitchwest. For those who may not be familiar with them, they are the links in the grey border at the bottom of most every page at Fastpitchwest. (all but the blogs, which utilize different software)

We provide the Quick Links for the convenience of our readers as a way to jump over to some of the more popular pages or sites, without having to hunt for them or return to the main menu. In the lower right hand corner, you’ll find everyone’s favorite, Al’s Fastball Mailing List archive. The recent changes include the addition of one for our ISC-II blog, “The Deuce”, and ISC-II page at the official ISC website, and one for the new ISC Forum that we are hosting here at Fastpitchwest.

Editor’s note: For layout reasons, we limit the links to one line, and the revised set should still fit on one line, even for those of you with the old 800 x 600 resolution settings. If not, please write to me: feedback (at) fastpitchwest.com and let me know.

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