Year End Housekeeping at

During the next week or so, we’ll be doing some year end housekeeping at to get it the site ready for the new year. Hard to believe it, but 2006 will be our ninth year on the internet covering men’s fastball.

Because the size of our site has grown so much, we may be moving to a new “server” at the company that hosts our website, and it’s possible that the site will be down briefly, or that some features will be offline temporarily. In case we do lose touch with you during this server move, we set up a temporary site set up using our Word Press blogging software, at:

We recommend that you bookmark it for future reference. On most browsers, that means clicking the link and then hitting “Control-D” . This site is for temporary use only, in the event that our main site is down for any appreciable length of time.

We look forward to another great year of men’s fastball in 2006. First stop: Orlando, Florida for the AAU International Tournament, January 19-22, 2006.

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