Fastpitchwest Gets a New Server

I’m pleased to say that the transfer of our website to the new server was completed last night without any glitches. The main website site, blogs, forums, and calendar appear to be up and running – and noticeably faster thanks to the new server. Drop us a comment if you note any problems, but things look good from here.

For those of you not familiar with the tech aspect of things, a “server” is a computer set up to “host” all of the many files that make up our website, much like your own computer, except that it’s running 24 hours a day and is connected to the world wide web (www), so that anyone can access the site. When we do updates, or post to things like this blog, the files are sent to the “server”, so you can read them online.

We do recommend that you bookmark our “Temporary Site” for future reference, if you haven’t already, as we’ll use it for those (hopefully infrequent) times when the main site is down. Click this link, then hit Control-D to save it to your bookmarks. We’ll post information as we get it at the temp site during any outages, to pass along any information about the outage.

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