Don Bosco Wins Argentine National Championship

Thanks to our good friend in Argentina, Martin Jorge for this English translation. Martin is the editor of (“Softball News Latin America”). Check out the new logo.

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Don Bosco Argentine National Champion

Photo via Don Bosco team site.
Click here
for original story en Espanol at the (team) Don Bosco Official Site.

Don Bosco was crowned champion for the first time in the history. Eduardo Sabate’s team took over the Championship after beat Patronato 4 runs to 1.

Sunday night, at the Panamerican Stadium of Paraná, ended the 10th edition of the softball Major National Championship. In the final game, Don Bosco overcame great way to Patronat by 4 runs to 1, which was a confrontation between two teams of Paraná City. Despite the rain in Paraná, the tournament had a great closing.

Don Bosco got the competition for the first time in its history. The event brings together every year to the best teams in country. In this issue took the name of Eduardo Jaton, who was president of the Association Paranaense de Softball.

In the definition of the Championship Round, Don Bosco made a flawless work throughout the match. Supported by a great work of his pitcher, Francisco Sabaté, Don Bosco was strong on defense. Then go right into the attack and get a well-known difference in the score (4 to 1).

The runs were scored by Francisco Sabaté, Lisandro Sabaté, Mariano Germán Juárez and Germán Sacks –solo HR- (all for Don Bosco) and Gustavo Godoy (for Patronato).

Winning pitcher was Francisco Sabate, who pitched 7 innings allowing only 1 run, and the loser was Matias Tessore, allowing 4 runs.

Individual Awards

After the final at the Panamerican Stadium, the organization chose Francisco Sabaté (Don Bosco) as the championship Best Pitcher, and the Champion Bat of the Tournament was Mariano Montero (Patronato).

Editor’s notes from Martin Jorge, Editor of (“Softball News Latin America), based in Argentina: In the tournament pitched Lucas Mata (Sarmiento, from La Pampa), Juan Potolicchio (Estudiantes, Paraná), Max Montero (CPEF Nº5, Paraná), Francisco Sabaté, Lisandro Sabate and Mariano Juarez (Don Bosco, Parana) and Matias Tessore (Patronato, Parana). And played Fernando Petric and Nicolas Bitor (Estudiantes, Parana) -both played in Townline last year-. All these players played ISC last year.

FPW Editor’s notes: Click here to revisit our earlier story on the “Argentine Pitching Pipeline” Argentina’s National team (yet to be announced) is one of the 16 teams that will be competing in this summer’s ISF World Championships in Saskatoon. They are in Pool B, and among the favorites to move on to the medal round, along with 2004 medal winners Canada (silver) and Australia (bronze). Four teams from each pool will advance to the medal round.

ISF World Championship
Pool B

Czech Republic
South Africa
Puerto Rico

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