[Alsfastball] Fw: Niagara Falls Mens Fastball Tournament

Jim Flanagan jim at fastpitchwest.com
Wed Jun 30 18:32:05 EDT 2004

Niagara Falls, ON

For all intermediate teams filling out their tournament schedule for 2004 please remember the Niagara Falls Men's League annual tournament August 6-8, 2004 in Niagara Falls Canada. The past years we have had 16-20 teams compete. Total prize money will be approximately $2,500 and the entry fee is $300. Teams are guaranteed 3 games and with our format most teams will be playing at least one or two more games on Sunday. A beer tent and barbeque/concessions will also be operating. We will send out information packages that include rules and preferred hotel and restaurant rates. Niagara Falls is a great city to visit in the summer and in June 2004 our new Casino will be open to the public. The tournament has a long history and we are usually blessed with great weather.

You can get you information packages by emailing me at

Mailto:rgreatrix at kpmg.ca <mailto:rgreatrix at kpmg.ca>or calling Al or Janet Greatrix, 905-354-2206.
Look forward to hearing from all interested teams.
Rob Greatrix, Mack O'Rooney's Fastball Club.

Rob Greatrix, Senior Manager 
KPMG Enterprise 

905-682-2008 (fax) 
1-800-223-5709 (toll free) 
rgreatrix at kpmg.ca 

 Als Fastball List
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