[Alsfastball] June 21 International Softball Congress Team Rankings

Al Doran aldoran at pmihrm.com
Wed Jun 30 22:32:28 EDT 2004

June 21  International Softball Congress Team Rankings


They are here now! The 3rd edition for 2004.
   - - - they will spark lots of interest, and likely some pretty vigorous 

What are they???  They are the early June rankings of the teams competing 
under the banner of the International Softball Congress.

With the season just underway, the ISC Team Ranking Committee has been hard 
at work weighing all of the factors which will lead to each ranking for the 
2004 season.

ISC Executive Director, Ken Hackmeister, emphasizes that the final rankings 
in late July will determine the seeding for the ISC World Tournament.  All 
teams are reminded that the ranking committee members, while very 
qualified, are at the mercy of information provided via Als Fastball List 
and Als Archives.  The individual committee members do not have the time to 
search each individual teams web site for information and results.  It is 
therefore strongly suggested that teams fully utilize Als List for 
information about the team, the roster, the schedule, and the results.

All Tournaments Directors are reminded that in order to provide full 
service to your entered teams, tournament results should be sent out 
immediately upon the conclusion of each tournament.

The ISC Team Ranking Committee is comprised of 12 anonymous members with 
two alternates.  Each is a qualified, knowledgeable individual who follows 
the sport religiously.  Members include players, managers, commissioners, 
administrators - - both Canadian and American.  The committee is a good 
cross section of fastball people.

In the three years of Team Rankings, the committee has been impressively 
accurate when comparing the final July rankings with the ultimate ISC World 
Tournament results.  The ISC salutes them for their accurate work.

Al Doran
ISC Web Site Director
mailto:fastball at pmihrm.com

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