[Alsfastball] The Rankings

David Spring gspring at sympatico.ca
Wed Jun 30 22:32:42 EDT 2004

Further to Al's posting of the June ISC rankings, I have a proposal: How
about disclosing the names of the twelve experts whose estimations make up
the rankings? I for one am unwilling any longer to accept unreservedly  the
statement that the Ranking Committee is composed of  "very
qualified...knowledgeable individuals...who follow the sport religiously".
It seems to me conceivable that, given the eccentric numbers assigned by
more than one ranker, some of these individuals might just possibly be
following the sport only in their own localities  to the exclusion of all
others, or are "homers," or are flakes, or are striving to achieve some
personal agenda or are simply indulging themselves for the sheer unmitigated
hell of it.

No need, I think, to tie the names to the numbers (that's going a bit far),
but I would like to suggest that those of us who do follow the game have a
legitimate interest in seeing just who the  twelve knights (and their two
surrogates, however the hell that works) of this particular Round Table are,
in order to satisfy ourselves that there is at least some minimal degree of
legitimacy to the rankings, especially in light of their importance in the
seeding process. No?

Respectfully (and without the slightest intention of slurring either the
process or the participants) I am

Dave Spring
mailto:gspring at sympatico.ca

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