[Alsfastball] Dolan and Murphy, Saturday

Al Doran aldoran at pmihrm.com
Wed Jun 30 22:40:13 EDT 2004

Aurora, Il
Record now 16-14

Game 1
Aurora D&M 9 14 2
ATMI PreCast 3 3 1
WP Tim Murphy 7IP 3H 0ER 10K 3BB
LP J. Richard 6IP 14H 7ER 1K 1BB
Hr Mresereau. Puklin
Hits: Jon Puklin 4x4 2R HR 3RBI, Tom Crouch 2x4 2R Triple, Peter
Mersereau 2x4 HR 3RBI

Game 2
Aurora D&M 6 3 0
Richwrap 5 10 2
WP Jason Iuli 2IP H ER 2K BB
LP Brett Brubaker 7IP 3H 3ER 5K 3BB
HHits Peter Mersereau 2x3 4RBI including game winning double in bottom of

Game 3
Rockford 9 8 1
Aurroa D&M 2 3 2
WP Ray Reynolds 6IP 3H ER 9K 0BB
LP Iuli 5.1IP 7H 5ER 3K 0BB
Hits Dave Perkins1x3 Triple, Peter Mersereua 1x3 RBI

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