[Alsfastball] Great weather forecast - Monkton!!

Brian Baillie baillie at cyg.net
Wed Jun 30 22:40:30 EDT 2004

July 1 - 4, 2004

     After seeing the weather reports for the Monkton area yesterday - 
which didn't sound all that great, I awake this morning
to see a complete 100% improvement!!!!

Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday all call for sunny skies -only a few 
clouds, with temps. in the high 20's (26 - 28)!!!!!!

Our diamond looks fantastic, the huge beer tent is going up this morning., 
and everything else is right on-track!!

I will update you with new weather forecasts, as well as a complete listing 
of the teams and their pitching staff.

       .... it's an excellent week-end for fastball!!!

Brian Baillie - Chairman - World Fastball Invitational
Mailto:baillie at cyg.net

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