[Alsfastball] Source for Sports Men's Intermediate Fast Pitch League (P.E.I.) - Weekly Report

Patrick Healey pat_healey at pei.sympatico.ca
Wed Jun 30 22:38:17 EDT 2004

A's challenge Hitmen for first with perfect 5-0 week

By Pat Healey

League Communications Director

ALBERTON, PEI - It's amazing what losing at a tournament in your own 
backyard can do to a team.

That's what has happened to the Alberton Arms Pub Athletics (12-3) of the 
Source for Sports Men's Intermediate Fast Pitch League as they went 5-0 
last week to vault from third into second place following a loss in the 
crossovers to the St. Louis Storm June 20. They began the week at 7-3.

Alberton picked up four wins over the Summerside Moosehead Greco Twins - 
4-1 and 5-4 in Summerside Wednesday, before a 3-2 last inning and 11-3 wins 
Sunday in Alberton - and a 5-4 extra inning win Tuesday over the Wellington 
Arsenault Saw Mill Jacks in Abram Village.


The week gets started when the St. Louis Storm (4-6) travel to the 
Evangeline school field in Abram-Village for a tilt with the Wellington 
Arsenault Saw Mill Jacks (2-7). Game time is set for 6:30 p.m. and the 
Jacks look to get out of their bad habits and pick up a win over the rusty 
Storm, who haven't played a game in over as week.

Wednesday night will see the Hitmen (8-0) return to league action following 
their kickoff tourney win, as they host the Summerside Twins (4-4) who look 
to get back to above .500 ball in a double header at familiar grounds - 
Queen Elizabeth Park's Very Important Volunteer Field. Game times are 7 and 
9 p.m.

Meanwhile in St. Louis, the Storm will see action on back to back nights 
when they host the Ryan Gallant, Jeremy Gallant and Skyler Hustler-led 
Canada Games Moase Plumbing and Heating Midgets (0-10) in a 6:30 start at 
the diamond in St. Louis.

Fans will have to wait for the scheduled Hitmen - Athletics clash for first 
place as the scheduled Sunday game between the two teams in Alberton has 
been postponed as it would force some of the Hitmen players to play in four 
games in one day and six over two days.

They already have a commitment of two doubleheaders Saturday and Sunday at 
Duffy Field in Kinkora against the Antigonish Central Home Improvement Jr 
in Coca Cola Major Fast Ball League action. Game times Saturday are 3 and 5 
p.m. and Sunday at 1 and 3 p.m. Jeff Ellsworth of the A's as well as three 
players from the Jacks, and one from the Twins will be suiting up for the 
Hitmen in all four games.

Patrick Healey
Mailto:pat_healey at pei.sympatico.ca

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