[Alsfastball] Richmond Hill Men's Fastball Tournament

Al Doran aldoran at pmihrm.com
Mon Jul 5 15:51:55 EDT 2004

From: "Darren Long" <dvlong at hotmail.com>
To: fastball at pmihrm.com
Subject: Richmond Hill Men's Fastball Tournament
Date: Mon, 05 Jul 2004 19:21:44 +0000

For Immediate Release:

July 9, 10, 11
Richmond Hill Men's Fastball League Annual Tournament


This is an invitation to all fans near and far to join in taking in some 
great fastball this coming weekend in Richmond Hill, ON.  All games will be 
played at the Town Park Ball Complex, located behind the Elgin Barrow Arena 
Complex, home of the 1972 World Champion Dynes Jewelers Fastball Club.

Game Times

7, 9 PM Friday
10 AM, 12 PM Saturday
4, 6 PM Saturday
9, 11 AM Sunday
1:30 PM Final Sunday

Golden Glove Competition: 2 PM Saturday
Homerun Derby: 8 PM Saturday

There will be refreshments and food on site and the weekend promises to 
deliver some hard hitting action as all teams dual for the coveted Sunday 
1:30 PM Final!


 From 400
Major Mackenzie East to Yonge St. North.
Yonge North to Lorne St East.  (1st set of lights North of Major Mackenzie)
Take Lorne St. through the stop sign and enter into the arena/ballpark complex.

 From 404
Major Mackenzie West to Pugsley Ave. (Approximately 5 Miles from 404)
(Pugsley Ave is the 1st street after the underpass/Go Station on your right 
hand side)
Pugsley Ave. North past stop sign and Town Park is on your left hand side

Parking is free and there will be some prize giveaways throughout the weekend.

Darren Long
RHMFL Executive/Player
"Leave It On The Field"
dvlong at hotmail.com

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