[Alsfastball] If Monkton Punched Fedlock, It Was With A Velvet Glove

Al Doran aldoran at pmihrm.com
Mon Jul 5 15:11:35 EDT 2004

From: PeterJPorcelli at aol.com
Date: Mon, 5 Jul 2004 14:59:40 EDT
Subject:  If Monkton Punched Fedlock, It Was With A Velvet Glove

                                          If Monkton Punched Fedlock, It 
Was With A Velvet Glove
Review should not be 
overshadowed by Final Rankings
                                                 Calgary Diamonds Review

      The Calgary Diamonds went into Monkton looking to blow the doors off 
of both County As well as the Defending World Champion Broken Bow Spirit, 
peak way too early as a team, go into the ISC overconfident and blow the 
opportunity to win the World Tournament. It did not quite happen that way. 
We got beat by the World Champs in nine innings and, as a result, never got 
a chance to eat up County Materials.

      Problem is, only two teams out of eight even had a winning record 
before the playoffs and there was some tight maneuvering that frankly, only 
makes Heflin and County look good for the ranking committee. This weekend, 
County Materials looked like the best in the World, but John Becker was not 
there and Tim Lyon was a pinch runner!

      So when my good friend, Mike Groves goes as far as to say his team 
was sucker punched by Monkton, I gotta think that is the fear of being 
unfairly ranked too low that is talking more than true criticism for the 
Tourney and the Committee, and even those rules.

     So first things first. This is Calgary’s spin: We lost three one–run 
games and took the world champs to nine in an elimination game before 
falling.  We also got the short end of a decision that I am sure the 
Monkton committee will fix next go ‘round. But none of that should affect 
the rankings, the Diamonds are a top World Title Contender and I am sure 
the final rankings for seeding in the ISC will reflect that.

      Fedlock is a Top Ten World Title Contender and I doubt that they will 
slip in the polls either. That is my point. Mike knows as well as I that 
the Monkton Folks have set a new bar for top contending tournaments. That 
is what should be understood, not what technicality got them eliminated 
because all the remaining teams other than County in the round robin had 
1-2 records. Same with the Diamonds, side, only one team with more wins 
than losses. Anything can happen in a short series, Anything! Mike, the 
twelve geniuses that hold your ranking in your hands are not going to be 

      What I think is important, is that the drive from the airport 
reminded you that if you were not involved in ball, you might never have 
seen the scenery and rolling hills leading to Monkton that I did. Once you 
hit there you knew you were in farm country, no smog, just smiling faces.

      No bossy parking fuehrer tried to jump in front of your car to stop 
you from parking in a cozy spot, they led you to the best there was, not 
twenty feet from the dugouts (and beer tent) to park! I usually have two 
arguments before I see the field with other “volunteers” at other 
tournaments. You mean they really save the best parking for the teams??? 
Ahem, yes!

      No Gestapo guards at the admission threatening to throw you out if 
you have a ball uniform but don’t wear your pass where they can see it 
without having to stop a gossip conversation they were having on the side. 
You know I thought the volunteers at some of them bid for the right to play 
god with teams comings and goings. Not Monkton. Not once did I see a player 
get hassled about anything!

     Now I know what you are thinking, they did not print passes, right? 
Wrong! They printed gorgeous ones, and few players wore them as always the 
case. But Monkton did not go eyeball to eyeball with them. Instead a 
friendly and warm sincere welcome! I guess they know who players are from 
gate jumpers, cool! (I felt so guilty because they were so beautifully 
printed I wore mine after we were eliminated

      When we got there, we were ushered to our team’s locker room. Case of 
cold beer after the game there is waiting for us. A Kudite platter of Fresh 
fruit, perfectly ripe, featuring grapes both green and red, sliced oranges, 
buckets full of Gatorade and Powerade on ice for us, showers and toilet 
facilities, wow!

      Live bands every night, Lineup cards, nobody being hassled about coin 
flips. Great public address system, excellent food, prepared condiments in 
crock-pots, and great prices on beer. But there is more!

      Nobody stuck a hose in the water bottle in the dugouts to fill, it 
had Gatorade inside but for those who wanted water, they had bottled DeSani 
chilled and cased for us in the dugout!

     Plenty of sociable people and fans, many more than the usual suspects, 
although that is what makes the get togethers so priceless.

      Yes it was Priceless. Steve Price was not there. Jody Eidt had a bad 
tourney, but still had the integrity to inform umpires who slipped more 
than once that they needed to be better for this tourney. I feel for Jody, 
because I know he wanted to shine for his home group. Well, Jody, take 
comfort. They shined for you! Monkton is better than anyone expected, and 
we all know what a great player, leader and man you are!

      This is without a doubt the best officiating I have seen at a tourney 
in a long time. It was not perfect. The crew I had twice left justice 
unfulfilled, but I know these guys, they are excellent and had a bad couple 
of games.  The rest were stellar. Usually I have to worry about the 
competence and the experience of umpires. Not here, they were “Top Shelf.”

      So here is the bottom line
 Monkton is the tourney that others will 
strive to match from this moment forward. I did not even mention prize 
money, but guess what? Other tournaments mostly eat Monkton’s dust. And 
they chase you with an envelope for you to take your winnings; where else 
does that take place?

      This is not about other tourneys being bad. Monkton just put 
themselves in their own
Class! I fear they were idealistic and pulled it off. Worst thing that 
could happen, right?
Just like if we had blown through Bow and County. By the way, Doug Eidt's 
Twins featuring Don Scott will finish in the top ten, I predict! Excellent 

      Chances are other tourneys will adopt some of Monkton’s policies. 
Monkton will get the rules more equitable. This tourney is about too many 
good things to have any real criticism! Time limits and tiebreakers will be 
upgraded. There is that idealism working against us. But only here.

      Fedlock was not sucker punched! Rankings due today spoke 
louder.....and  I think Mike will agree after taking another look at it. My 
money is on the Ranking Committee and also on Monkton, mark me “All In!

Peter J. Porcelli, II, LLC.
Mornings: 727-462-5538 x 201
Cellphone: 727-698-7259

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