[Alsfastball] Hello Peter Porcelli

Al Doran aldoran at pmihrm.com
Mon Jul 5 17:32:32 EDT 2004

From: "Mike Groves" <falcon at fedlock.com>
To: "'Al Doran'" <fastball at pmihrm.com>
Subject: Hello Peter Porcelli
Date: Mon, 5 Jul 2004 17:27:41 -0400

Hello Peter.  Nice article on your team and on the Monkton event.  Good 
insights, certainly some very unique insights as is your wont.  I enjoyed 
seeing you in Monkton and chatting, and I look forward to seeing you in 
Fargo, if not before for a cold beverage.

The ISC team rankings are certainly important.  However, that was not why I 
wrote my article.  The Monkton article was only one of many tournament 
reviews that I have put in front of Al's loyal readers for consumption.

FedLock will always play whoever, whenever, wherever.  As we always 
have.  Early times or late times, tough bracket or not the tough bracket, 
it doesn't matter to us.  Bottom line:  we're here to play ball, so let's 
get it on.  Having said that, I trust that you would then understand why it 
is that I stand by my original article's main point.


<mailto:falcon at fedlock.com>falcon at fedlock.com

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