[Alsfastball] today RR.com is blocking our mail to our subscribers at rr.om

Al Doran aldoran at pmihrm.com
Thu Jul 8 13:48:42 EDT 2004

Today the children at RR.COM have been playing with their little filters 
again, consequently, all of our many subscribers who have an address with 
RR.com in it, or roadrunner.com, cannot get mail from us.

This happens about once a month with RR.COM and may last a day, or a week, 
no one knows.

So, if you are a subscriber at RR.com, PLEASE tell the technoids who run 
the help desk at rr.com to please change their filters so that you can get 
your mail.  We do NOT spam, so they have no justification for blocking our 

Meanwhile over at AOL.COM, they continue to block about 90% of the mail we 
send to our 120+ aol.com subscribers. This has been going on now for over 
five months and the idiots who run the place at that so called ISP refuse 
to do anything about it.
Luckily, a few AOL.COM subscribers each week dump AOL and move to a real 
ISP. In the mean time, we refuse to add any more aol subscribers to our 
fastball list.

Oh, did you hear, AOL SUCKS!


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