[Alsfastball] Heflin Builders at Monkton

Al Doran aldoran at pmihrm.com
Thu Jul 8 16:55:41 EDT 2004

Date: Thu, 8 Jul 2004 13:45:46 -0700 (PDT)
From: Steve Shucker <heflinbuilders at yahoo.com>
Subject: Heflin Builders at Monkton
To: aldoran at pmihrm.com

The Heflin Builders would like to thank the people of Monkton for a job 
well done. The inaugural World Mens Fastball Invitational in Monkton was 
first class all the way. It was the little things that made this event so 
memorable; the bottled water in the dugouts, the dressing rooms, the great 

Brian Baillie, the chairman of the event should be proud, as some of you 
know its not easy to put on an event of this size. Thanks Brian, you did a 
wonderful job.

See you next year,

Steve Schucker
mailto:heflinbuilders at yahoo.com
Heflin Builders

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