[Alsfastball] ISC Asks for Help From Players and Fans to Promote Telecast of Championship Game from Fargo by Local Television Stations

Al Doran aldoran at pmihrm.com
Thu Jul 22 16:50:16 EDT 2004

From: "GWise" <sgwise at woh.rr.com>
Subject: Fw: Press Release To Access TV Letter
Date: Thu, 22 Jul 2004 14:52:31 -0400

I.S.C. Asks for Help From Players and Fans to Promote Telecast of 
Championship Game from Fargo by Local Television Stations

In a special appeal directed to players, managers, and just plain fans of 
fastball, International Softball Congress Executive Director Ken 
Hackmeister is asking everyone connected with the sport to "pitch in" and 
help the ISC encourage local television stations to carry the championship 
game of the 2004 ISC World Tournament from Fargo.

The game will be produced and telecast by WDAY, the ABC-TV affiliate in 
Fargo, N.D. at 6:30 PM (CDT) on Saturday, August 21.  Television stations 
can get the game via satellite access for a live showing or tape it for 
later broadcast - - - and THEY CAN KEEP EVERY DOLLAR of any advertising 
revenues that they can generate from broadcasting the game.

How can a fan, or a player help, you ask?  Let Hackmeister explain how - - -

First  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -


This is a letter which tells local TV stations of this unique opportunity!

This letter can be printed from the web site and sent to any local TV 
station for consideration.

FYI, this letter has been faxed and/or emailed to about 100+ stations, 
primarily in the US midwest.

With WDAY's coverage area of all of North Dakota and 28 cable outlets in 
Manitoba, we have great exposure in those locations.  Yesterday, we picked 
up a commitment from stations in Sioux Falls and Rapid City, SD which 
covers virtually all of SD.

But we need help from softball players and fans to get the word to their 
local stations and simply sending this letter would be a tremendous 
help.  We have a great opportunity to expose our game to literally millions 
of people but we need help getting the word to local stations.

Your help will be appreciated.


July 22, 2004
From:  Gordon Wise - - - ISC Information Officer
mailto:sgwise at woh.rr.com

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