[Alsfastball] SISCA Games # 43 & # 44

Al Doran aldoran at pmihrm.com
Fri Jul 23 12:51:39 EDT 2004

Date: Fri, 23 Jul 2004 12:14:14 -0400
To: "Al's Fastball" <fastball at pmihrm.com>
From: Baileyconstltd at aol.com
Subject: SISCA Games # 43 & # 44

Kitchener, ON

Schneider's ISC Alliance (SISCA)
Palermo Athletics at Hallman Twin City Sting
July 21

Game # 43  Hallman Twin City Sting  3   Palermo Athletics  1

WP  Don SCott  LP  Gord Scott
Brian Stere homerun for Hallman
Todd Townsend homerun for Palermo

Game # 44  Hallman  6   Palermo  0

WP  Don SCott  LP  SCott Wagar
Derek Shackleton homerun for Hallman
Grant Baechler  3 hits for Hallman
Bill Simmons 4 hits for Hallman

Our SISCA League record now stands at 12 wins and 9 loses by my totals
WE have doubleheaders yet to play against Palermo, Innerkip and a to be
rescheduled doubleheader yet in Jarvis.

Hallman Twin City Sting
mailto:Baileyconstltd at aol.com

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