[Alsfastball] 5th Annual Walsh Memorial Classic - Consolation Games

Al Doran aldoran at pmihrm.com
Mon Jul 26 01:24:13 EDT 2004

From: Jasa60 at aol.com
Date: Mon, 26 Jul 2004 00:43:52 EDT
Subject: 5th Annual Walsh Memorial Classic - Consolation Games
To: fastball at pmihrm.com

Allentown, PA

Game 1: Team Rainey         1
             Federal Lock & Safe 2

             Anderson and Acedo; Urquhart and Sell
             WP: Urquhart
             LP:  Anderson
             HR:  TR:     R. Rainey (2nd) none on

Game 2: Heflin Builders         2
             H.I.S. Construction 9+  6

             Koert, Sleep (5th) and Chevalier; Swacher and Gamarci
             WP: Swacher
             LP:  Koert
             HR: H.I.S. C. 9+:   Renavi (4th) one on

Game 3: Consolation Final

             H.I.S. Construction 9+  0
             Federal Lock & Safe 1

             Luster and Gamarci; Urquhart and Sell
             WP: Urquhart
             LP:  Luster

mailto:Jasa60 at aol.com

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