[Alsfastball] Mens Eliminations Round #1 Draw- Owen Sound

Al Doran aldoran at pmihrm.com
Thu Jul 29 17:04:32 EDT 2004

To: "Al's Fastball" <fastball at pmihrm.com>
From: "Shawn Ringel" <ringer19 at bmts.com> (by way of Al Doran 
<aldoran at pmihrm.com>)
Subject: Mens Eliminations Round #1 Draw- Owen Sound

July 30,31and Aug 1st ,2004
Owen Sound,Ontario

Intermediate Eliminations Draw

1. Cobourg vs Elora  Friday @5:00pm
2 . Toanch vs Sudbury Friday @ 7:00pm
3. Stouffille vs Cambellford  Friday @9pm
4. Owen Sound vs St. Marys Friday @ 7pm
5. Wiarton vs Jarvis Friday @ 7pm
6. Glencoe vs Port Elgin Friday @ 5pm
7 Breslau vs Winner Game 1 Friday @ 9pm
10 Harriston vs Winner Game 6 Friday @ 9pm

Senior Mens Draw

1. Palermo vs Peterborough Sat @ 11am
2. Union vs Bracebridge Sat @ 11am
3. Toronto vs Jarvis Sat @ 1pm
4 Waterloo vs Innerkip Sat @ 1pm

Shawn Ringel
Owen Sound
Mailto:ringer19 at bmts.com

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