[Alsfastball] eScribe is recovering but not out of the woods yet

Al Doran aldoran at pmihrm.com
Sat Jul 31 00:44:09 EDT 2004


July 30th, 2004: 3:15PM: We hit a snag in that some of the corrupted files 
were part of our core email system files. We have to go through and re-link 
in the necessary software libraries. This will push out our ETA until into 
the weekend for sure...


July 30th, 2004: 1:00PM: Server restore process is going very well. We have 
all files except the corrupted sectors now on the new disk drive. We are 
restoring the corrupted files from backup and then eScribe will be up and 
running again. ETA depends on if it is the big archives that were corrupted 
or the small ones... it might just take solid disk/archive database read-in 
time to finish the entire restore, but the light at the end of the tunnel 
is there and we'll be operating on two modern Seagate disk drives so we 
don't anticipate any further disk issues *knock on wood*.

Thanks for your continued patience,


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