[Alsfastball] OASA Intermediate Elims - Game 22 - Port Elgin in tight one over Breslau - time check:11:15

Al Doran aldoran at pmihrm.com
Sun Aug 1 11:16:32 EDT 2004

Game 22


L17 – Breslau: 0
W20 – Port Elgin: 1

Port Elgin:

WP: S. Christie: 7 IP, 0R, 0ER, 2K, 0BB
C: M. Turcotte

LP: Jim Schnarr: 7 IP, 1R, 8K, 2BB
C: Tim Dubois

It was a close game with only one run scored in the 4th. Both teams played 
well with no errors.

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