[Alsfastball] OASA Intermediate Elims - Game 23 - St. Mary's over Owen Sound Crunch

Al Doran aldoran at pmihrm.com
Sun Aug 1 11:30:24 EDT 2004

Game 23


L18 – Owen Sound: 1
W19 – St. Mary’s: 3

Game ended at 10:45am

Owen Sound Crunch:
St. Mary’s:        

WP: Scott Brookshaw (w): 5 IP, 1R, 1ER, 5H, 3K, 1BB
Steve Cook: 2.0 IP, 0R, 0ER, 2H, 4K, 0BB
C: Ross Herold

LP: Brad Thompson:  6 IP, 3R, 3ER, 6H, 5K, 1BB
C: Tim Cox

Jeff VanVliet had 2 singles for St. Mary’s.

Mark Feltis went 4 for 4, 3 singles and one double.
Jason Redmond doubled.

Garret Baker for the Crunch made a favulous diving catch in the outfield in 
the B1 with 2 runners on to keep the Crunch in the game. Steve Cook came in 
in relief to shut down the Crunch.

Game 24


W23 – St. Mary’s
W22 – Port Elgin

Game 25


L21 – Harriston
W24 –

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