[Alsfastball] World Championships rings a Kiwi success stor

Al Doran aldoran at pmihrm.com
Mon Aug 9 06:23:37 EDT 2004

Date: Mon, 09 Aug 2004 15:45:29 +1200
From: SNZ Web-master <snz-webm at ihug.co.nz>
Subject: Fwd: New Zealand Softball

World Championships rings a Kiwi success story

Monday August 9th

The World Championship success of the New Zealand Community Trust Black Sox 
has uncovered another Kiwi success story in the form of jewellery making 
company Signet Rings.

Traditionally when the Black Sox have won their other world titles the team 
has always had rings made for each team member to commemorate the victory. 
In the past when this has happened the rings have been made in America.

In a first this year the 2004 World Championship winning team all received 
their commemorative rings at a presentation late last month but this time 
they were made by New Zealand company Signet Rings.

New Zealand Softball chief executive Hadyn Smith says all the players have 
been very impressed with their rings.

"The team that won the world title back in February were a bunch of very 
special Kiwis and it is great that the commemorative rings have been made 
in New Zealand for the first time," said Smith.

The initial designs and sketches for the rings were made by Black Sox 
outfielder Karl Gollan in conjunction with his team mates before being 
handed over to the Signet Rings jewellery makers. Each ring is individually 
handcrafted and has each player's name and shirt number engraved on them.

Black Sox world championship winning pitcher Jim Wana says everyone in the 
team is really happy with the "eye catching rings".

"The rings are something all the team will have for the rest of their lives 
that we will all wear with pride. Everyone in the team worked really hard 
to win the world championship title and that is why they are so special," 
said Wana.

Signet Rings spokesperson Kate Rooney says the company found it a real 
privilege to be involved in the project and believes it is the first time 
rings of this design and size have been made in New Zealand.

The rings are 14ct gold with white gold on the face, the rings have a 
stylised silver fern on them in black with a white gold outline.

"The rings are definitely a unique design and they were fantastic to make," 
said Rooney.

The rings were funded by an initiative set up by clothing store Champions 
of the World following the teams win. The clothing store produced a range 
of clothing to commemorate the victory and donated some of the proceeds 
from the sales to the team. Money raised at a Champions Luncheon in 
Auckland last week also helped to cover costs while Signet Rings have also 
made a contribution to the production costs.

A photo of the rings can be viewed at: 

By SNZ Media Liaison: Kelly Mitchell
*  mailto:kelly.mitchell at xtra.co.nz

* mailto:snz at softball.org.nz

Cheers Vance
Softball New Zealand web master.
*  mailto:snz-webm at ihug.co.nz

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