[Alsfastball] Team Stats

Al Doran aldoran at pmihrm.com
Mon Aug 9 14:47:48 EDT 2004

Normally we do not get involved in anything commercial but this year a 
friend of mine in the software business offered to set us up on some new 
software they had developed where the teams can have someone administer the 
page on-line from the League and everyone can see the schedule, results, 
stats, etc.

Unfortunately our league this year suffered the loss of out Stats person at 
the 11th hour and we were not able to find a replacement in time.  We also 
had less than terrific reporting of games so what you see on the web site 
to date is what has been fed to me by the teams and I fear its less than 

But if your interested in this kind of thing, TeamStats would like to hear 
from you for next year.

This was their first venture into Softball and they plan on adding Baseball 
and other sports and as you can see at their web site they have Soccer and 

Their site is at: http://www.teamstats.ca/

Take a look at the Soccer link to get a better idea of what is possible 
from a statistics point of view.

Hopefully in 2005 the SISCA will have a stats person on duty and the teams 
will go back to reporting all their games so we can take advantage of this 
great service.

Contact information to TeamStats is on their web site and is by e-mail. 
They are very responsive.



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