[Alsfastball] Softball looking to build on world championship success

Al Doran aldoran at pmihrm.com
Thu Aug 12 00:52:18 EDT 2004

Date: Thu, 12 Aug 2004 15:37:43 +1200
From: SNZ Web-master <snz-webm at ihug.co.nz>
Subject: Softball NZ looking to build on world championship success

Softball looking to build on world championship success

Thursday August 12th

New Zealand Softball is looking to replicate the successes of the New 
Zealand Community Trust Black Sox on the diamond across all levels of the 
sport and all aspects of the game.

A discussion point for the sport at the annual AGM and conference in Lower 
Hutt next weekend August 21 - 22 will be how softball can capitalise on the 
success of the Black Sox in winning their third consecutive world title in 
Christchurch earlier this year.

The 2004 World Championships delivered the New Zealand sporting public the 
chance to watch softball on television with their team reigning supreme. 
Softball New Zealand chief executive Hadyn Smith says the key now is to 
build on last season and ensure that the sport has more great events that 
will demand similar exposure for the sport.

Smith believes the sports increased profile on the back of the world champs 
is a great opportunity to grow softball and expose greater numbers of 
children to the game.

"Obviously this is a great opportunity for our sport but nothing can be 
left to chance. We need to raise our profile and provide events that will 
maintain the exposure given to the world championships while we also look 
to increase the commercialism of the sport," said Smith.

Black Sox success on the diamond can also be reflected through 
administration as the world championship winning team showed that hard work 
and meticulous planning provide the ultimate reward.

Also featuring at the annual AGM and conference next weekend will be a 
session run by the new National Director of Coaching Naomi Shaw while the 
findings from an independent review of the New Zealand Community National 
League will be a focus on Sunday morning.

The weekend will also be a chance to celebrate once again the stunning 
success of the Black Sox with the annual Softball New Zealand A1 awards 
dinner on Saturday night. On the night awards will be presented to players, 
administrators and officials for outstanding achievement in the 2003/04 
season while there will also be inductions made to the Softball New Zealand 
Hall of Fame.

By SNZ Media Liaison: Kelly Mitchell
*  mailto:kelly.mitchell at xtra.co.nz

* mailto:snz at softball.org.nz

Cheers Vance
Softball New Zealand web master.
*  mailto:snz-webm at ihug.co.nz

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