[Alsfastball] NIAGARA FINALS EJECTIONS - by Glenn Skehan

Al Doran aldoran at pmihrm.com
Tue Aug 17 09:46:53 EDT 2004

From: "Roxanne" <crashs3 at rogers.com>
To: <fastball at pmihrm.com>
Date: Tue, 17 Aug 2004 09:15:41 -0400

After reading the account of the Snappers so called win at the Niagara 
Falls tourney and also the comment made by another individual leaves me no 
choice but to respond.

I want it first known that in no way , shape or form does anyone on the CDS 
Markham team agree or condone the actions on the field that occurred during 
the finals....but we understand the frustration and anger felt by that player.

As usual with tourney's that are run in smaller venues, we were mistreated 
and biased against before we started ...we're from Toronto and you all hate 
to see us win.... but the blatant, out and out unfairness and prejudicial 
treatment we received as a team  during the entire weekend was the real 
disgrace and the incident during the finals was the RESULT.

  Does anyone really think that a lot of us who closed business's, booked 
holiday's, fought traffic, overpaid for rundown motels, brought our kid's, 
wives, parent's and friends and spent our hard earned money wanted any part 
of the crap we put up with you are very, very, wrong....all we wanted to do 
was get together a bunch of old friends who have mostly retired from the 
game and have a nice weekend away playing a game we all love.... and from 
our first game to the finals we were harassed, baited and baffled by our 
treatment by the officials....we watched as our opponents threw bats, 
cursed at calls, swore at umps, and were never cautioned or reprimanded, 
while our player was ejected for asking a fan if the pitch was strike!

All we ever wanted was a level playing field and the same rules as everyone 
else but that only seems to happen to Niagara teams, and thank god because 
it seems that is the only way they would ever win anything...on field 
talent would never be enough for them.

We apologize to anyone who was offended by our teammate's action's and 
there is no defending the incident
but you cannot blame anyone else on the field or hold any other player 

We know that our player will be penalized for his actions....the real 
problem with the game has always been the lack of proper, qualified 
umpiring and how they are able to operate without ever having to answer for 
their actions or pay the consequences for improper behavior.
I would like to close by saying how far the game has dropped when a team of 
retired, master age players go undefeated and as we all know would have 
ultimately mercied the Snappers in the finals....we were impressed by the 
way they cheered so feverently when the umps walked off the field...like I 
said, this was the ONLY way the Snappers could have won....well done 
Snappers and since this was your so called third win in a row maybe now you 
could consider your selfs as we do....the TALLEST MIDGETS.

By the way.....we are willing to put up $2,000 to your $1,000 ..any time 
  to play your so called Snapper team....so put up or shut up!

Glenn Skehan
crashs3 at rogers.com

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