[Alsfastball] Niagara Falls - Response to Glenn Skehan

Al Doran aldoran at pmihrm.com
Tue Aug 17 20:03:55 EDT 2004

From: "Perry Bartley" <misterpaulo at hotmail.com
To: fastball at pmihrm.com
Subject: FW: Response to Glenn Skehan
Date: Tue, 17 Aug 2004 19:33:28 -0400

Perry Bartley
Niagara Snappers
misterpaulo at hotmail.com

From: "Perry Bartley" <misterpaulo at hotmail.com
To: misterpaulo at hotmail.com
Subject: Response to Glenn Skehan
Date: Tue, 17 Aug 2004 19:27:54 -0400


I will respond to this stupidity just once.  I will not engage in a war of 
words with Mr. Skehan.

In the posting that Mr. Skehan is referring to, I mentioned how I was 
embarrassed to witness an Umpire being spat on.  Not once, but twice and in 
the face!  At the time, it was one of the most disturbing incidents I have 
ever witnessed with regards to Fastball and then came this idiotic posting 
from Mr. Skehan.

I am assuming these thoughts are that of your own and do not reflect the 
feelings of your entire team.  I assume that because several members of 
your team came over to apologize on behalf of Markham after the final game.
  I know a few players on Markham and understand that what happened that day is
not a true representation of the roster.

That said, the only thing worse than spitting in an umpires face, is trying 
to justify it.  You are an idiot, period.  If one good thing came out that 
weekend in Niagara Falls, it was that tournament organizers may start to 
request rosters.  Seeing as you put your name to that submission of crap, 
I'll advise you to either re-retire or explore a name change.

Thanks for shedding some light on your version of the events in Niagara 
Falls and for giving the entire Fastball community an example of how 
unintelligent one person can be.

Perry Bartley
Niagara Snappers Fastball Club
misterpaulo at hotmail.com

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