[Alsfastball] ISC - The Championship Game - The Ultimate Game for the Boys in Blue

Al Doran aldoran at pmihrm.com
Sat Aug 21 13:31:47 EDT 2004


Game 102 - The Championship Game - for all the ISC marbles

6:30pm CDT

This is the pinnacle for any umpire to work, and the guys in blue honored 
today are:

Bob Henning   - Surrey BC  - Home Plate

Ron Adkins     -  Modesto CA  -  1st

Lindsay Edwards  -  Wanganui, NZ  3rd

Rick Hovercroft  -  Saginaw MI  - LF

Scott Mair  -      Winnipeg MB  -  RF

Congratulatons to these men who have worked hard to get here and deserve to 
work the Big Game.

This game will be on TV at a bar near you, see 

Also, this game MAY be on WEB TV - the equipment is set up and is being 
tested and IF it works, the feed from the 4 cameras covering the cable 
network will feed right onto the web - check at 

If the WEB TV does not work, be sure to tune in to the web cast that has 
been on all week, with great coverage from the main diamond here in Fargo, 
just go to the Sports Juice logo at the bottom of the ISC page and click it

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