[Alsfastball] Some of our subscribers at rr.com short changed

Al Doran aldoran at pmihrm.com
Tue Aug 24 14:20:45 EDT 2004

About once a month, for a few days, the ISP rr.com pulls a major brain 
cramp and starts blocking all email from us.

I do not worry too much about it as the problem usually goes away. I 
normally just post a note to eScribe to let rr.com subscribes why they are 
not getting their email.

Some of our subscribers also send us a lot of material for posting and as 
it turns out, they are not getting very much mail at all from us. We are 
not aware of their not receiving a particular note or posting as rr.com 
does not let me or the subscriber know that my mail to them was rejected. 
They just do not receive it.

This is a serious problem if the rr.com subscriber assumes they are getting 
all their mail, as they are not.

We have tried various connection methods and different email accounts from 
this end and so far most of them never reach the subscriber, with the 
possible exception of some mail from my hotmail to their rr.com account.

This has long been a problem for the subscribers who have aol.com accounts. 
We have tried everything but the only real solution is to move to a real 
ISP and dump the clowns at aol.com - their service truly sucks.

All I can say to our rr.com subscribers is to have rr.com fix the problem 
or move to a real ISP and that would not include aol.com



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