[Alsfastball] ISC and ISC II Pictures - available from the Official Photographer - tons to choose from

Al Doran aldoran at pmihrm.com
Fri Aug 27 15:49:29 EDT 2004

ISC and ISC II Pictures - available from the Official Photographer - tons 
to choose from

They are displayed on the photographer's site http://www.botpix.com/

Best of Times took a LOT of pictures in Fargo of ISC and ISC II action, in 
all parks.

You can go direct to:  http://www.botpix.com/action/game.asp

You can choose from Special Events, Team Photos, games by the day they were 
played, etc. and each page generally has subsequent pages to keep scrolling 
to see them all.

Best of Times has a shopping basket for you to select your pictures and buy 
them over the web.

Some great pics here!


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