[Alsfastball] Bantam Eastern Canadian scores

Al Doran aldoran at pmihrm.com
Fri Aug 27 19:00:33 EDT 2004

From: "Patrick Healey" <pat_healey at pei.sympatico.ca>
To: "Al Doran" <fastball at pmihrm.com>
Subject: Bantam Eastern Canadian scores


here are the scores from today's games (to be followe dwith a story)

N.S. 1 (East Hants High Tide) 10 P.E.I (Richmond Red Sox) 4

Napanee Express (Ont. 1) 8 East Hants High Tide (N.S. 1)

Scarborough Sabre Wolves (Ont. 2) 10 Placentia Lions  (NL 2) 2

N.B. Flyers 3 Musq. Hbr. (N.S.2) 1

Napanee Express (Ont 1) 8 Host (Alberton) 1

Conception Bay South  (NL 1) 2 Richmond (pei 1) 1

Thanks Pat Healey

From: "Patrick Healey" <pat_healey at pei.sympatico.ca>

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