[Alsfastball] Softball's Governing Body Chooses to Ignore Residency Requirements

Al Doran aldoran at pmihrm.com
Mon Aug 30 19:05:08 EDT 2004

To: fastball at pmihrm.com
Subject: Softball's Governing Body Chooses to Ignore Residency Requirements
Date: Sun, 29 Aug 2004 21:27:19 -0700

As reported last evening a formal protest was filed at the Canadian Senior 
Mens FP Championships in Ste. Croix, Nova Scotia.

The centre of the protest involved player eligibility on the rosters of the 
host team (Halifax Keiths), Nova Scotia 1 (Brookfield Elks) and 
Saskatchewan 2 (Saskatoon Black Sox).

Unfortunately it would appear from all indications that Softball Canada has 
chosen to ignore the stated rules with regard to residency requirements, 
and not take a stand as it pertains to blatant circumvension of the rules 
(particularly by the host team).

With regards to out of province players, it is clearly understood that each 
team is allowed a maximum of one player to be signed who resides outside of 
their respective province.

Some of the rationale for the protest being filed were as follows:

- Nova Scotia 1 - both Rob and Sean O'Brien were listed on the team's 
roster.  It is common knowledge and verified by the ISC website which lists 
the recent World tournament team rosters including hometown, that both of 
the O'Brien's are residents of Ontario.  Thus one would assume only one of 
them would be eligible to sign and participate.

- Sask 2 - both Craig Crawford and Dwayne Dyck are signed.  Again common 
knowledge and verified via the ISC site that Crawford is an Ontario 
resident, and Dyck live in Salt Lake City.  This particular issue is not as 
contentious as Dyck has not played in the tournament and it is rumoured 
that he will not be making the trek to Nova Scotia, thus with one import in 
their line up this team is indeed complying with the rules.

- Host - Now hang on to your hats for this one !!! - * note hometown listed 
in brackets.  Frank Cox (Owen Sound, Ont) Gerald Muizelaar (Grand Forks, 
ND) Jody Hennigar (Arlington, VA) Colin Abbott (St. John's NF) Steven Jesso 
(St. John's NF) Serge Bourgeois (Moncton, NB) Rick LeBlanc (Moncton, NB) 
Steven LeBlanc (Moncton, NB) and Rene Gougen (Moncton, NB).

Sadly despite obvious contravention of established and stated rules that 
(almost) all provinces abide by and make their clubs adhere to, Softball 
Canada would appear to have turned a blind eye, and did not have the 
fortitude to enforce their own rules.  Unfortunately no one from the 
governing body of the sport has come forth and clarified the situation, as 
to the decision making process and provided an explanation as to the 
protest lodged particularly as it pertains to the host roster.

Hopefully for the good of the game they will get it right before we drive 
everyone away from this great game of ours.  Ken Hackmeister and the folks 
at the ISC should be enlisted quickly to teach our governors of the game a 
thing or two... before it is too late.


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