[Alsfastball] Softball's Governing Body Chooses to Ignore Residency Requirements - response

Al Doran aldoran at pmihrm.com
Tue Aug 31 08:17:05 EDT 2004

Date: Tue, 31 Aug 2004 08:58:37 -0230
From: Ivan Hapgood <ivan.hapggod at nf.sympatico.ca>
Reply-To: ivan.hapggod at nf.sympatico.ca
To: fastball at pmihrm.com
Subject: Softball's Governing Body Chooses to Ignore Residency Requirements

Comments:  First of all let me say there will be a name at the end of
this letter.

Contrary to what the writer said, a decision was made and has been made
known to the appropriate parties.

All Provinces have provided the appropriate documentation to support the

As far as registration information being available from another
association (ISC) this information is not pertinent to our decision
making process.

As far as the writer's comment  that Ken Hackmeister and his folks at
the ISC should be enlisted to teach our governors a thing or two, I am
sure they want to spend their energy looking their own association and
leave ours to us.

As to the ANONYMOUS WRITER: I hope you never decide to play this great
game, after all you have NO BALLS.

Ivan Hapgood
2004 Canadian Sr. Men's Supervisor
From: Ivan Hapgood <ivan.hapggod at nf.sympatico.ca>

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