[Alsfastball] eScribe is down again - quick update

Al Doran aldoran at pmihrm.com
Tue Aug 31 17:49:10 EDT 2004

Scott said today:

Subject: [Auto Response] Re: what is the status of the site today?
To: Al Doran <aldoran at pmihrm.com>

We are just getting back on our feet after a server hard disk crash and I 
am backlogged with over 1,000 emails. eScribe is 100% volunteer run so in 
the evenings I am trying to catch up on these emails! Thanks for your patience!



NOTE: eScribe is owned and managed by a chap named Scott out in California.

alsfastball.com has no investment in eScribe what so ever.  We do however 
love the service Scott provides and probably close to a thousand fans have 
told us the same thing in person and/or by email.

In Fargo this year, I wish I had a dollar for ever person who came up and 
asked me what was wrong with my web site, or said they were glad it is back 
on line. To each I said "thanks" but noted  "our site is still up and 
running but eScribe has had a run of tough luck" Luckily it was up for all 
of the ISC's this year, but unfortunately its down right now during the 

As far as that goes we have had very little additional information out of 
Windsor on the men's senior nationals. They host are keeping their web site 
up to date on a regular basis. 
and check the Schedule, they have scores and each game number highlighted 
should have a set of box scores for you to click on and enjoy.

IF we receive any additional reports out of Windsor, we will let you know.

And no, unfortunately, I am not in Windsor this year.



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