[Alsfastball] Peterboro at Canadians - first 3 games

Al Doran aldoran at pmihrm.com
Tue Aug 31 20:05:07 EDT 2004

  Date: Tue, 31 Aug 2004 14:53:37 -0400 (EDT)
From: SYLVIA RYAN <sylvia.ryan at rogers.com>
Subject: canadians
To: fastball at pmihrm.com

Ste. Croix  Nova Scotia
Senior Mens Canadian Fast PitchChampionship

Peterboro Ricart Pros Summary

Game 1
Peterboro  Ricart Pros(Ontario3)  2
Brookfield Elks(Nova Scotia1)  1

Winning  Pitcher  Greg Garrity (in relief of Wayne Wells)
Losing Pitcher     Rob O'Brien (in relief of Jeff Cameron)

Pat Humphries   2 for 3 scored both runs
Troy Gilmour  1 for 1  RBI
Dave Waldie  1 for 3 RBI

Sylvia  Ryan   Manager

Ste. Croix Nova Scotia
  Senior Mens Canadian Championship

Another win for Peterboro Ricart Pros

Game 2
Peterboro Ricart Pros(Ont3)  8
Union Storm(Ont1)                2

Winning Pitcher  Gregg Garrity
Losing Pitcher     Trevor Wardell  ( with Scott Evans in relief)

Gregg Garrity   2 for 4 2 home runs  2 RBI's
Pat Humphries 2 for 4
Jamie  Baker    2 for 4
Dave Fowler    2 for 4  2 RBI's
Chris Switzer   2 for 3

Sylvia Ryan   Manager

Ste. Croix  Nova Scotia
Senior Mens  Canadian Championships

Peterboro Ricart Pros remain undefeated

Game 3
Peterboro Ricart Pros(Ont 3)    3
Prince Edward Island               0

Winning Pitcher   Wayne Wells
Losing Pitcher      Steve Langley

Gregg Garrity     2 for 3 with 2 home runs  and 2 RBI's
Dan Loney          1 for 3   1 RBI
Jamie Baker        1 for 3
Rob Doncaster    1 for 3

Sylvia Ryan   Manager
  mailto:sylvia.ryan at rogers.com

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