[Alsfastball] Pitching List Process

Al Doran aldoran at pmihrm.com
Wed Sep 8 00:24:59 EDT 2004

From: "Tom Crouch" <dfsc at juno.com>
Date: Wed, 8 Sep 2004 03:38:08 GMT
To: fastball at pmihrm.com
Subject: Pitching List Process

I am sorry that Mr. Groves did not make any of the Player Rep (PR) 
meetings.  Due to pressing issues Mr. Groves did not show up for any of the 
three scheduled meetings. Maybe if he was in attendance he could have 
understood the process of how the pitching list was voted in by the PR 
committee (10-0).  Unanimously!  Followed by an over 40-0 vote by the Board 
of Directors (BOD).  Which, once again, was unanimous.

The idea of the pitcher list came from 2 different player reps. There was 
an original plan in place to vote and put a motion to the Board of 
Directors on Out of Area restrictions.  After discussing and analyzing the 
OOA restrictions some of the PR's had a hard time with voting on the OOA 
restrictios rule due to the overwhelming loopholes and tens of other rules 
the ISC would have to install in order to monitor the OOA restrictions.  I 
am sure that in the future the ISC will analyze and evaluate the OOA 
restrictions more.  Someone is always looking for ways to "even the field" 
and this will come up again I am sure.

Unfortunately Mr. Groves feels that he should have had a vote in the 
decision of the pitcher list, even though he failed to attend any of the PR 
meetings. If one cannot come to the meeting then it is very hard to 
vote.  If Mr. Groves had other issues to deal with besides show up for his 
scheduled meeting then perhaps he should have asked other PR's what he 
missed and what important issues were being discussed at the meetings.  If 
a student misses a class isn't it his job to get the notes and work missed 
from his classmates?  Or is it the job of the classmates to hunt down the 
truant and give him missed information?  The first scenario is obviously 
the correct answer.

Mr. Groves has stated that the motion was "ramrodded" by myself and that I 
"snookered" the BOD and the Executive Committee into believing that the 
PR's were unanimously in favor of the pitcher list.  Again, 10-0 is 
unanimous.  Mr. Groves has also stated that it is the "Crouch pitching 
list."  I am very flattered that Mr. Groves would give all the credit to me 
but it is just not true.  I have been asked by many ISC members to let the 
fastball world know how the process was brought about. Here is how the 
pitching list was passed.

1. The idea of a pitching list was brought to the PR committee meetings on 
Saturday of the ISC by (2) players.
2.  The idea is discussed and then it is decided by all present that there 
needs to be a couple of days to discuss and think about possible cons of 
the pitcher list idea.  Meanwhile ALL PR's in attendance vote for the 
pitcher list.  There are also (5) Executive committee members that agree 
that we need to think about and discuss the idea before taking it to the BOD.
3.  The cons and more pros are discussed on Monday of the ISC in the third 
PR meeting and it is voted by ALL in attendance that the committee chair 
(myself) take the motion to the BOD for discussion (it should be noted that 
NO MOTION can be discussed by the BOD unless it is put on the floor as a 
motion and then seconded).  I took the motion and it is discussed on 
Tuesday of the ISC by all BOD's in attendance.
4. ALL BOD members in attendance vote for the pitcher list.
5.  Following ALL of the BOD members voting for the pitcher list, it is passed.

Now, I apologize if I came off seeming like I "ramrodded" the idea through 
the BOD.  However, I feel I was just doing my job of taking issues brought 
up by PR's and taking those issues to the BOD for discussion.  If being the 
committee chair is "ramrodding" then I certainly am guilty of that, as 
accused by Mr. Groves.

Another issue that seems to be a hot topic is the new format.  Let it be 
known that the PR's had NOTHING to do with the passing of the new 
format.  I believe that the idea came from the World Tournament 
Committee.  It did not come from the PR's as some have thought.

Some feel that the pitching list was passed too quickly. This is their 
opinion.  However, it was done in a proper and legitamite fashion.  No one 
was "snookered" and only the votes of the people in attendance are the ones 
that counted.  Even if Mr. Groves had been there, 10-1 is a pretty good 
representation of what the player reps wanted.

Finally , all of those in attendance at the PR committee meetings and at 
the BOD meetings have a very different view of how the rule was passed 
compared to what Mr. Groves posted.  They should.  They were there.

Tom Crouch
mailto:dfsc at juno.com

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