[Alsfastball] St Thomas leauge Semi Final Game Dates For Games 3 and 4 Changed

Al Doran aldoran at pmihrm.com
Fri Sep 10 17:47:18 EDT 2004

From: "Paul McCart" <fastballchico13 at hotmail.com>
To: fastball at pmihrm.com
Subject: St Thomas leauge Semi Final Game Dates For Games  3 and 4 Changed
Date: Fri, 10 Sep 2004 14:46:10 +0000

          Semi Final Alvinston VS Union Best of 5 game series

    GM # 1 Al @ UN Thur Sept 9th 8:00 pm
    GM # 2 Un @ AL Sun Sept 12  2:00 pm
    GM # 3 Al @ UN Wed Sept 15 8:00 pm
    GM # 4 Un @ AL Fri Sept 17 8:00 pm If Nes
    GM # 5 Al @ UN  Sun  Sept 19  2:00 pm If Nes

     From > fastballchico13 at hotmail.com

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